My Wolf Cub checking out a stack of purlins, unpacked from the truck, sorted, and ready to go...covered in a tarp because we are due to get slammed with an APRIL SNOWSTORM late tonight! I guess this is Winter making up for treating us so mildly earlier on...

We have basement stairs, at least, temporary ones. It's pretty cool to be able to walk around in the basement of our new home - the first "complete" space. (Actually, it's not completely complete. They still need to pour the floor and put in wndows.)

The completed deck. That "T"-shaped construction at the left is a make-shift table where the contractors lay out the plans. The blue tarp visible on the right covers over the stairwell to the cellar as well as a pile of "sticks" (wooden timbers in the parlance.)

Pile o' purlins in the foreground, other signs of the unpacking of the truck scattered around...all covered up in anticipation of perhaps another WEEK's worth of rain and snow...;-(
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