Sunday, January 31, 2010

Railings Completed

Work is slow at BHB...but steady. Before we move in (pre-Thanksgiving '07) I was probably putting in around 3-4 hours a day (and double that on weekends). My current average is about 2 hours per WEEK. I have made my lists of remaining projects (my Dad claims he STILL has his lists...from 26 years ago!!!) and I am working top to bottom.

So, I have to say (despite the critics who are all over the code-violations here) I am extremely pleased with how this project turned out. The railings are made of chain link fence parts plus some 1/8" cable - all purchased at Home Depot - that cost me around $150 total. And the result looks simple, clean, slick, just like "professionally" done railings that would have cost 10x that.

Anyway, DIYers take heart. It CAN be done!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow that wood is stunning!! What a great job done! I cannot wait to see it all finished!

little+tiny+doors said...

this is amazing! makes me want to move back to the country. great post!

Unknown said...

I just came across your blog. What a beautiful home! It looks awesome.